NATG is committed to ensuring that licensed insurance professionals and private investigators receive the highest quality Insurance Fraud training at the best price. Individuals and groups have the convenience of online self study, or the option of choosing on location training at your facility. With our courses, you can fulfill your Insurance Continuing Education (Insurance CE) requirements as well as any insurance fraud training requirements all in one shot! In the majority of states, our insurance fraud CE courses are categorized as optional or ethical credits.
Rather than taking the same courses over year after year, try our inter-active and captivating insurance fraud courses. Now you can learn about topics such as the types of insurance fraud being committed daily, the types of scam being performed against the carriers and insureds, the types of investigations that are available to you, how and why an investigator conducts their investigations and much much more. Our courses have been developed by industry experts and are kept up to date with this ever so changing topic of insurance fraud.
Adjuster CE Agent CE PI CE IFC CE