IFC - Insurance Fraud Certification®

Insurance Fraud Certified Seal NATG offers a professional certification for insurance & investigative professionals geared towards insurance & insurance fraud. Why send your staff out in the field and not train them to recognize and understand insurance or fraud? Investigation training itself is only part of a well rounded base of knowledge and understanding needed to create an effective defense. Lack of training means more time wasted, more liability for your company, and in the end, frustrated clients and loss of capital.

This certification is defined by a curriculum designed to close the knowledge gap between investigators and the insurance professionals who utilize them. The courses make an excellent enhancement to the training programs many companies already have in place, providing the last puzzle piece in the professional's knowledge and know-how. Our courses are developed by industry experts and professionals.

The IFC will provide two levels of certifications to include basic and intermediate.  However, the course materials are designed in such a way that every investigator, from the novice to the most seasoned professional can benefit from this learning program.

The IFC is driven and defined by a Voluntary Independent Board of Advisors, consisting of Insurance Professionals representing all lines, and all methods of administration.  The mission of this Board is to create and offer a learning program that will have a measurable impact on the quality and cost-effectiveness of outsourced insurance investigations.

The IFC Board reviews and qualifies curriculum, decides on prerequisites, and serves as your connection and key to meeting the expectations and objectives of your clients: the SIU and Claims communities.  Ensuring that the Certification consistently meets the ever changing demands of claims investigations, the Board serves to establish a training standard that will dramatically change the way this industry fights fraud.

Some states have begun legislation requiring that anyone investigating an insurance claim must have training specifically focused on insurance fraud.  More states are expected to follow suit in the future.  As Fraud Plan statutes, rules, and regulations become more refined, focused, and detailed, so will the training requirements for all integral personnel. Many companies are taking a proactive approach, in anticipation of the legislative trend, and are utilizing fraud training programs not only for future compliance, but because it makes perfect sense.

It's being implemented, and even mandated by a growing number of your clients. They already have training mandates for their physicians, their lawyers, their agents' and yet until now there has been no measuring stick for private investigators, no training standards for those who play such an important role in an industry that financially affects every single American.

IFC Certified Investigators will be included in our IFC Investigator Data Base. The data base will list each investigator and the name of their firm in ranking order by the level of training; ranking them in order from Level III, Level II and Level I. The search is utilized by a Zip Code Search. This search is free to all clients.

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IFC Level 1
Basic Certification
IFC Level 2
Advanced Certification

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