Training Centers

Training Centers Include:
  • Your company Anti-Fraud Training Guidelines created within courses
  • Branded site with your company logo and wording
  • Private and Secure URL
  • Your company SIU Guidelines/Manuals
  • Test, Quizzes or Completion of slides to pass
  • Customized Certificates of Completion
  • Administration / Compliance Tracking
  • Access to reports and progress of each employee

NATG will create customized On-Line Training Centers to fit your company needs.

NATG offers a variety of online training centers, from fully-branded custom solutions to simpler solution on-line training centers. We know that "one size does not fit all" and we've designed our training centers with the flexibility you need.

NATG specializes in Online training centers that are a hosted, high-value, branded, customized online learning solution providing organizations, large or small, with a robust Learning Management System (LMS) at a fraction of the cost of other systems.

Our solutions allow you to offer employees an "Online Training Center" uniquely designed with the look and feel of your organization. It's populated with only the courses that are meaningful to your company. Courses can be organized into catalogs designed by department, course category, job function, location - the options are unlimited. NATG offers the client the ability to add your company's training documents to the site for all employees to view and check off on. We will customize your Certificates of Completion.

Outsource your Insurance Anti-Fraud Training to NATG while still maintaining complete control of your integral employee's fraud training. More and more states are mandating these training regulations. If you do not provide the annual and new hire training to your staff, you may be in violation and receive penalties and fines.

Management and Reporting

Management is the central element of a Learning Management System. NATG's Training Centers includes many easy-to-use administrative features and over 20 standard reports that allow you to keep track of students individually, or monitor entire departments quickly and easily! Our Online Training Centers also offer multiple levels of authority along with controlled access to your courses with user ID, password, and date range to ensure security.

NATG offers the client the ability to add your company's training documents to the site for all employees to view and check off on. We will customize your Certificates of Completion.

NATG offers annual corporate subscriptions to this service. Please contact with any questions at 1-888-884-6284 or email us at

Custom Training Center Examples

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