NATG offers multiple fraud & investigative courses for all Insurance Professionals & Investigators. All of our courses can be customized to meet your company's specific needs.


Introduction to Insurance Fraud

This course will identify what Insurance Fraud is, what the effects of Insurance Fraud have on the U.S. we will provide you with updated statistics and why Insurance Fraud is widespread. We will provide you with examples & the consequences of insurance fraud, the efforts to reduce insurance the role of the Insurance Professional

This course will identify common insurance fraud schemes, who commits these crimes, investigative techniques and red flags or identifiers of insurance fraud. Finally, we will provide you with the knowledge to combat insurance fraud.

Catastrophes & Fraud

The term "catastrophe" in the property insurance industry denotes a natural or man-made disaster that is unusually severe and that affects many insurers and policyholders.

We will identify the most common forms of catastrophes that affect the insurance industry. We will provide details of how each of these catastrophes cause damage and influence fraud related crimes. By laying a foundation of product understanding, the course prepares the student for recognizing, combating, and even deterring insurance fraud in these situations.  Students will be provided with real-world examples, terminology, red flags, and investigative techniques.

Pretext & Privacy

Investigating Potential Fraud: This course will provide you with the definition and use of pretexting as it applies ONLY to insurance investigations.

You will learn about the Federal and State Laws that protect sensitive and confidential information, as well as case law examples that find pretexting to be invasive, case law examples that find pretexting to be allowable, and examples of company policies regarding pretexting and Ethical Concerns.

The Use of Surveillance in an Insurance Investigation

This course will provide the insurance professional with knowledge of what surveillance is, as well as when and how to utilize surveillance in the course of an insurance investigation.

This course also shows what is required from the claims professional to initiate the surveillance, what is needed from the investigator, what can occur during the investigation and what should be expected from the surveillance.

Recorded Statement & Interviews

Students taking this course will learn the importance of effective recorded  and non recorded interviews, tips and techniques for best results, lessons on recognizing, reading, and conveying verbal and non-verbal communications, and the applications of recorded statements in the insurance process.

Surveillance Challenges

This course will provide you with knowledge about the challenges that an investigator on surveillance may experience during the course of his day. This will explain the types of surveillance that are utilized in certain situations and how the investigator needs to prepare himself and set up properly for those situations. It will show you that the investigators must make numerous split second decisions throughout the course of the investigation which could affect the outcome in a positive or negative manner.

Subrogation & The Investigation

This course will provide the insurance professional with knowledge of what Subrogation is and how it is utilized within the insurance industry. You will learn the rights of the insurer and insured regarding subrogation within a claim. We will provide knowledge of how to investigate the common subrogation claim and provide investigation checklists for those investigations.

Mold & Fraud: A Growing Concern

This course is an introduction to mold as it relates to insurance and claims. It defines what mold is, how the problem is growing, where the problems exist and what causes it.

We explain coverage's and exclusions typically found in the basic insurance policies. We look at the industry's response to this problem as well as what is needed to combat mold claims and what we need to do to investigate them.

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